Tuesday, November 10, 2009

amy: not doing so hot.


eating is out of control.

chocolate is a new food group.

i have a wellness screening tomorrow at work for blood sugar, BP, BMI, and cholesterol... and i am afraid they are just going to take one look at my stats and load me into the ambulance.

i need to get this right, once and for all.


  1. maybe the stats will help motivate you? infact I should probably schedule an appt for myself just to find out all that stuff. We can all do this, Amy. We just have to find what works for each of us. Right now I know I can not do WW or anything restrictive or it will backfire. I'm just trying to find balance and it is a minute by minute struggle. Find joy in the LITTLE victories!

  2. Okay, that is too funny for a couple of reasons. One, I fell into a bag of pb m&m's today, AND I have a wellness screening at some point soon at work and fear that same thing!

    Tomorrow is another day, we will move on and rock this thang.
