Monday, November 2, 2009

11.2.09 - Stephanie PM

I am in a FUNK! Things have been going really well regarding me and Toby, and last night was just a bump in the road. It wasn't even HIM, it was his sister who I have a hard time with anyway. But I have let some comments of hers get into my head and they are really bothering me. I've just been kind of "down" all day and really just short with Stella, which makes me feel like crap... I need to let it go because her opinion/advice is the LAST thing I need or want and we were doing JUST FINE handling OUR MARRIAGE in the best way we know how right now.

Luckily, I have not let it get me on a binge or anything. I have been sloth-like, but atleast not STUFFED with food. I ate more veggies today than usual, and I just had my casein protein shake for my nighttime snack, which I plan to do every night. It really does satisfy the sweet craving.

I have been working on Christmas presents on for the past few hours and I am OVER IT. I need to just go to bed and do some relaxing reading. I am reading Valerie Bertanelli's 2nd book "Finding It" which has some great insight into the emotional connection I have with food. Then I am taking a tylenol PM and getting a good night's rest and STARTING OVER TOMORROW!

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